Living in a Megaworld township is like having a ‘city within a city’ in your neighborhood – modern conveniences are just a short walk away for an all-around enhanced lifestyle. Master planned townships like Capital Town Pampanga in the City of San Fernando, are built with the users’ integrated experiences and exclusivity in mind.

To give you a better picture, imagine waking up in a spacious condo unit with a commanding view of the township and its stunning landmarks, like the Central Square.

You go down to your favorite café — the one just below your condo. It’s a Sunday so you decide to take your dog out with you. On arrival, familiar faces greet you. You recognize the friendly barista behind the counter making your double espresso, the husband and wife who’ve just moved into the neighborhood, the older gentleman in the corner reading his newspaper. They are your neighbors in the township.

At noon you decide to head out for lunch. There are rows of restaurants just down the street serving local and international cuisine; some have canopies and outdoor seating for customers who prefer al fresco dining. Your home, Chelsea Parkplace, reminds you of the suburban boroughs and brownstone architecture of Chelsea in New York, the condo’s namesake and inspiration. As a resident of Capital Town Pampanga, you know just where to unwind, where to go for a scenic jog, where to take your dog for a walk, or where to go if there’s something in particular that you need. Today you are craving a sandwich from a beloved deli down the street— and that’s exactly what you’re having your lunch.

Sunny days like this make you excited to roam around the township. You stroll through the Rainwater Park with your dog, past the rows of trees and pocket gardens. This is usually where the center of activity in the entire community is located. You never fail to spot people in the park wandering around, exercising or simply taking a breather. Sometimes, visitors and residents drop by the park after visiting the lifestyle mall across, the Shophouse District, or the Casa de Emperador (BPO offices) where you work from Monday to Friday. The Rainwater Park is especially beautiful at sundown; the water seems to glisten to the hymn of trees, setting the mood for a romantic evening stroll for couples.

To complete your tour of Capital Town Pampanga, you decide to roam the Shophouse District where more retail and dining options are located. Everywhere you look, you are reminded of Pampanga’s colorful past; rows of shophouses are dressed in neoclassical architecture with art deco details, complemented by native trees, cobblestone paths, and tribute statues. You think about going to the cinema today but end up visiting the Events Trade Hall which, as it turns out, is hosting an international book fair. You come away with a bagful of new books; one of which was signed by a well-respected comic book artist. This day cannot be more perfect, you think to yourself, as you sit on the steps of the Outdoor Ampitheater listening to a troop of actors practicing for their big recital happening next weekend.

Before heading home, you drop by the condo’s first ever speakeasy bar for your favorite classic cocktail. As you step into the bar, you immediately spot some of your friends. They invite you over. You think, why not, there’s no need to rush to bed. You don’t have to wake up extra early the next day or even worry about getting stuck in traffic. You live in a Megaworld township after all, where the best parts of city living are made available to you. With major conveniences like retail establishments, restaurants, and offices being mere minutes away from your condo, Capital Town Pampanga becomes a vibrant, self-sustaining community for its residents and visitors.

You, too, can have this kind of lifestyle in Chelsea Parkplace, the first condominium residence in Capital Town Pampanga by Megaworld Corporation. In Chelsea Parkplace, you get the privilege of living in an exclusive township address where everything you want and need is within reach, without the hassle of traffic and long commutes.

Own the city, at your own terms. For more information, contact +63917-144-8696, email or like our Facebook page.